
Integrated Community Development Initiative (ICODI) is grateful to the following funders who have made the organization’s work move forward:

United Nations Alliance of Civilizations (UNAOC)
UNAOC has supported ICODI in 2017 to implement a Project “Youth Centered Approach to Build Mutual Respect among Peoples of Different Cultural and Religious Identities

The project trained over 512 youth from Nakivale Refugee Settlement and surrounding communities including secondary schools in Isingiro District-South Western Uganda. The beneficiaries were equipped with knowledge in peace building, rejecting extremism and embracing diversity. This project helped to reduce on the violence/fights, hatred, discrimination among the refugees and the local populations in Isingiro District. The project worked with individual youth and youth groups in Nakivale Refugee Settlement and surrounding communities to help enhance the ability of young people and their organizations/groups to foster mutual respect, understanding and long-term positive relationships between peoples of different nationalities, cultural, religious and political ideologies. This programming helped to facilitated networking and exchange among youth-led organizations/groups; provided them with the opportunities to increase their competencies and to implement activities to advance intercultural and inter-religious understanding.

Positive Action for Children Fund (PACF)
ICODI is grateful to PACF for they have funded a two years project (2017-2019) titled “Reducing Loss to Follow-up in PMTCT and Strengthening Early Infant Diagnosis”.
This project is looking at building community, patient and family centered approaches to help in reducing on the impact of HIV/AIDS on women’s and childrens’ health through;

  • Working with Village Health Teams (VHTs) to strengthen their capacity to extend PMTCT information and reduce on loss to follow up among pregnant and nursing mothers in rural communities,
  • Train and equip local and religious leaders with basic information about PMTCT such that they can continue encouraging pregnant, nursing mothers and their partners to seek care from specialized health centres and also encourage male involvement in PMTCT programmes,
  •  Carry out community based eMTCT campaigns focusing much on Early Infant Diagnosis (targeting mostly pregnant and nursing mothers),
  •  Build capacity of rural health workers in the district to strengthen health education among HIV positive women and their partners in rural communities. Capacity building is focusing on areas of Early Infant Diagnosis (EID), breast feeding among HIV positive mothers, complementary feeding for babies and other nutritional information for children and mothers,
  •  Strengthening active linkage of HIV positive mothers (pregnant and nursing mothers) from the point of HIV testing to the point of HIV care in order to reduce on the incidences of HIV positive mothers going back without getting HIV care which increases the risk of mothers transmitting HIV to their babies and
  •  Carry out health facility based trainings for pregnant and nursing mothers about the importance of taking their ARVs, importance of testing their children for 1st DNA/PCR, 2nd DNA/PCR and a Rapid HIV Test at 18 months.

Project Management Institute Educational Foundation (PMIEF):
PMIEF has been very instrumental in funding projects focusing at leveraging project management learning in both primary and secondary schools as well as in communities targeting the school dropout youth and other community members.

Project management learning in primary and secondary schools has helped students to get the 21st Century skills which have deepened their knowledge in project management in a way that is hands-on, meaningful and engaging. It has helped them to know how to define the project, plan the project, doing/implement the project, monitor and manage the project leading to the final review of the project. This is helping to prepare students especially the secondary school students to be college/university and career ready.

The same benefits goes to school dropout youth and other community members who are now in position to start and manage sustainable income generating projects, a situation that is seen improving on the income levels of many beneficiaries hence greatly improving on the social-economic standards of many families.

Uganda Community Development (UCD):
UCD has been very crucial in funding projects focusing on extending HIV/AIDS awareness, prevention and control. Uganda is estimated to have 1.5 million people infected with HIV/AIDS of which 150,000 are children. The current HIV Prevalence rate stands at 7.3%. Such statistics needs great attention such that we can fight to have a free HIV generation in future.

Community Agency for Development (CAD):
CAD has been instrumental in funding initiatives that are focusing at empowering the rural poor to start small sustainable household income generating activities in order to improve on their household level incomes and also reduce on the high levels of poverty and malnutrition in children.

Humanitarian Charitable One Trust (HACOT):
HACOT has greatly helped ICODI in penetrating different
communities through carrying out needs assessment and also helping some households in ways of starting some income generating activities in order to reduce on food insecurity.

Individual Donors:
Special thanks also goes to ICODI individual donors who have donated their funds to help ICODI’s activities move forward, these are people who contribute generously to ICODI during fund raising events or making their donations through the website or making physical payment at the organizations office.