Through the support from Community Agency for Development (CAD), ICODI implemented a project titled “Small Sustainable Household Income Generating Activities Project (SSHIGAP)”. The aim of this project was to support the rural poor families to reduce on the high levels of food insecurity and poverty.
The project has trained the beneficiaries in modern farming and agricultural techniques, book keeping, marketing and money saving skills.
The project has also supported the youth to start sustainable income generating activities in line with agriculture and farming projects. These projects have so far helped the families to earn some money to meet the household needs.
We have started to see rural families earning some money through their income generating activities “Says Kato S. Abdu-Project Coordinator”. They are now in position to pay school fees for their children, pay small medical bills and also meet their different family needs. This project has greatly improved on the rural household income leading to many households to earn and spend more than a dollar per day an economic situation that was not existing before “added the Executive Director”.