Sports for Health

With funding from AstraZeneca Young Health Global Grants Programme, ICODI is implementing a project titled “Sports for Health” aimed at using sports alongside buffering hypothesis and Cognitive Behavioral Therapy as therapeutic tools to raise awareness and prevention strategies as well as reduce stigma related to mental illnesses among 4000 adolescents and youth (12-30 years) in […]

Reducing Lost to Follow-Up in PMTCT and Strengthening Early Infant Diagnosis

Funded by ViiV Healthcare under Positive Action for Children Fund (PACF), Integrated Community Development Initiative (ICODI) is implementing another 2 years extension project in Mbarara District aiming at the Prevention of Mother-to-child HIV transmission through building community, patient and family centered approaches to also help in reducing on the impact of HIV/AIDS on women’s and […]

Empowering Adolescent Girls and Young Women in HIV Prevention programming

Funded by American Embassy-Uganda through PEPFAR Uganda Community Grants to combat HIV/AIDS, Integrated Community Development Initiative (ICODI) is implementing a project titled “Empowering Adolescent Girls and Young Women in HIV Prevention Programming”. The project is focusing on equipping and empowering 2,000 adolescent girls and young women in HIV hotspot communities and surrounding sub-counties in Mbarara […]