Empowering Adolescent Girls and Young Women in HIV Prevention programming

Funded by American Embassy-Uganda through PEPFAR Uganda Community Grants to combat HIV/AIDS, Integrated Community Development Initiative (ICODI) is implementing a project titled “Empowering Adolescent Girls and Young Women in HIV Prevention Programming”. The project is focusing on equipping and empowering 2,000 adolescent girls and young women in HIV hotspot communities and surrounding sub-counties in Mbarara District with HIV prevention knowledge. It is also aiming at equipping the beneficiaries with appropriate Sexual Reproductive Health information and also work with local and religious leaders to demystify existing harmful cultural norms and beliefs that promoted Gender Based Violence (GBV) among adolescents and young women.

The project also aims at building capacity of adolescent girls and young women living with HIV to fight and address stigma and discrimination associated with HIV in their families and communities, it also aims at promoting targeted HIV testing especially among adolescent girls and young women in HIV hotspot communities as well as facilitating active linkage of those testing HIV positive to access HIV care and management.