Project Management Skills for All (PMASAL-Project)

With a grant from PMI Educational Foundation, ICODI in 2013 launched a project titled “Project Management Skills for All (PMASAL-Project)”. The project aimed at introducing class and community based project management knowledge and entrepreneurship skills learning to the teenagers and youth aged 13-20.

The project benefited 1093 youth where 561 were secondary school students, 312 primary school students and 220 school dropouts aged 13-20.

The beneficiaries were trained in Team Work, Critical thinking, Problem solving, Responsibility, Time management, Communication skills, Simple Business plan formulation, Book/Record keeping, Money saving skills/Budgeting, Marketing skills, Small scale modern farming and agricultural methods.

The project enabled the rural teenagers and youth to develop their skills to enable them identify and initiate projects within their immediate localities (in their schools and home/communities) using local resources thereby assisting to address their social economic needs as well as the needs of other people in their communities.

Indeed we have started to see the students starting agricultural projects in their schools to supplement on the food provided to them at school. Others have started farming and agricultural projects in their homes with the aim of earning money in order to get school fees to continue with their education “says Kato-The project Coordinator”

The school dropouts have also started farming and agricultural projects aiming at getting school fees to go back and attain education.

This project has attracted implementing partners from different organizations, Local Government and Volunteers from different teaching institutions in Mbarara who have come to volunteer with the project and also learn what the project is doing in different communities of operation.

With your support, we hope to continue with this project to benefit more primary and secondary school students as well as the school dropouts in Uganda.

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